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Trucidatum Carnis (Latin for: Butchered Flesh), commonly referred to as a Mimic and formerly referred to as a Butcher, is the fourth member of the Carnis family and the 3rd product of the Crawl. The Mimic is also the first hostile species in the family. Mimics are often found near heavily populated areas around the world because human flesh is their primary food source when they reach maturity.

Physical characteristics[]

The Mimic is a bipedal creature with uncanny similarities to humanoid anatomy. They greatly resemble humans without skin and with added exaggerated features.[1] These features include:

  • Longer arms and thin fingers with no fingernails
  • Hunched posture with a duck-footed stance
  • Flat noses
  • Large, dark sunken eyes
  • Clammy skin
  • A mouth full of teeth forming a "smile." This does not indicate happiness, it is simply the Mimic's facial structure.

The mouth of the Mimic contains more teeth than any human typically does and is almost entirely of incisors with some canines and premolars in the back. This tooth composition is ideal for tearing into meat and swallowing large chunks whole.

Mimics also have the ability to contort their body in ways that allow them to fit into tighter spaces. Additionally, Mimics also have the ability to expand their bodies to appear more intimidating. This adaptation allows Mimics to hide in furniture and lie in wait for prey or to intimidate potential competition.

Although there is an inconsistency in the Living Meat Research Documentary and the Mimic Defense Instructional Tape, which is when you have a weapon (such as a firearm or heavy blunt force object):

  • In the Living Meat Research Documentary, if you have a weapon, use it as a barrier against the Mimic (Which is to fend off the Mimic's Attack)
  • In the Mimic Defense Instructional Tape, if you have a weapon, it is recommended to aim for the head or the legs, as this will immobilize the threat immediately (Either kill it immediately due to a fatal head-shot or inability to walk due to leg injuries)

Life Cycle[]

The Mimic's life can be divided into 3 different stages.

Early Life[]

  • In the first stage, a young Mimic separates from the Crawl. They closely resemble their Trimming relatives, but are thin, sleek and only have four appendages. In this stage, the mimic utilizes the element of surprise, similar to other ambush predators. They initially hunt organisms smaller than themselves before progressing to larger ones as they mature. They target the jugular to deliver the killing blow as quickly as possible. Upon reaching maturity, the Mimic metamorphoses into it's most recognizable form.


  • In the second stage, a Mimic reaches maturity. At this point it will stalk, attack, and eat only humans.
  • If a Mimic has a stable and consistent supply of humans, it will begin to take on more human like features, to the point that they look like a more deformed human. This makes them more efficient hunters as they can blend into society. Though, even though they look like humans, they can still be identified due to their unnatural body/face structure and unnatural walk.

Elder Mimic[]

  • In the case that a Mimic gets an overabundance of a food, it will evolve into a larger, more evolved predator. This 'Elder' Mimic will lose many of its features from childhood and maturity, and instead grow a tougher, darker shell of flexible skin. This layer will only grow in durability the more the Mimic consumes.
  • The Mimic also grows a pink coat of skin on its face. The rows of teeth shift further down the throat, giving the Mimic a toothless grin. The darker layer of skin and new face coating allows the Elder Mimic to seamlessly blend into dark rooms and in the dead of night.
  • These improved features make the Elder Mimic one the most formidable and efficient hunters on the planet, and are an immense danger to humans. For their hunting capability, they are called God's ultimate warrior, the perfect killing machine.


Mimics are highly efficient hunters with certain behaviors when they aren't on the hunt. A Mimic will usually disguise themselves as humans, using items of clothing to stay in society. Typically, they do this when on the lookout for possible victims.

Hunting Behaviors[]

The Mimic displays many unique and skillful hunting abilities that are unseen in other apex predators.

A mature Mimic will begin its hunt by scouting out a possible target. Upon finding an easy kill, the Mimic will enter the victim's domicile and lurk in the shadows, observing the behaviors of the human and studying its routine. The Mimic will then determine the best time to attack, which is usually when the human is asleep, or in any other vulnerable situation. The Mimic will swiftly execute the human as to not alert others in the areas. It will then begin consuming the meal. Once the Mimic has had its fill, it will travel a distance from the human population so it can begin digesting its meal. During this process the mimic takes an idle position, but can still detect and attack anyone who approaches it.

In the case that the human is awake, the mimic has several strategies to distract or startle a human into the Mimics grasp. It will often use a variety of noises to scare the human into cornering itself. If a human has an easy method of escape, the Mimic will not strike because it is unwilling to give a chase, likely because their duck-footed stance is ideal for absorbing impacts to walk quietly, and would be awkward for running. The Mimic will also utilize any nearby pieces of furniture to hide itself to surprise attack the prey. The most common hiding places of a Mimic are: sofas, recliners, wardrobes, ottomans, and any other place that a Mimic can comfortably camp in.


Though Mimics are Apex Predators, they can still be detected through various ways which humanity has developed to counter Mimic/Mimic Attacks.

Detection of Infant Mimics:[]

Though not as dangerous as Mimics, infants have the chance to grow into Mimics, so eliminate them before they can. Infant Mimics look like Trimmings but malnourished, do not be fooled by its Trimming-like appearance and eliminate it. Infant Mimics are found in areas where there are animals.

They are easy to take down as they are vulnerable to any weapons.

Detection of Mimics:[]

Mimics are found in places with large amounts of humans. A few ways to detect Mimics include checking furniture. If an individual sees an eye looking at them from under their couch that's either best case scenario a robber, worst case scenario a Mimic. If the individual hears any sudden noises or loud breathing that's either at best a robber or worse a Mimic. If the individual hears loud banging on their door, they should look outside through the crevices under the door which Mimics can't enter through. If it looks to have red skin, it's a Mimic, if not, it's a human.

They are relatively not easy to take down, but it is recommended to aim for the legs or head.

Detection of Mature Mimics:[]

Mimic that can grow into a more "human like" appearance

mimics that try to appear as humans

These kinds of Mimics are harder to spot, but still, it's possible. If the Mimics have a consistent and stable supply of human flesh, they grow to look like humans, but still they have imperfections. Things you should keep an eye for: If the person has unnatural bulging eyes, long fingers, and an uncanny smile, it's a Mimic. If you can't detect the person is a Mimic by appearance, try to look out for how they walk. Mimics have a body structure unlike humans, If the person walks weirdly (and isn't doing it for comedic effect, show of confidence, or isn't drunk) it's possibly a Mimic.

As same as how you take down a Mimic, it is recommended to aim for the legs or head.

Elder Mimic

Elder Mimic close up.

Detection of Elder Mimics:[]

These kinds of Mimics are tricky to spot, but if they notice you, and you are their selected target, you are a lost cause. If you see a face in the darkness which is white, with white eyes, black pupils, an uncanny smile with unnatural teeth and the face doesn't look human, it's an Elder Mimic, and you should run.

If you don't see the face and you see some kind of black legs, long fingers and arms that don't look human, it's also an Elder Mimic.

Elder Mimics are far more durable than your standard Mimic and are impervious to most handheld weapons. However, the face is the only region of their body not covered by the highly durable darker skin that makes Elder Mimic's so hard to take down, so try aiming for the face (Although, like with regular Mimics, it is still highly recommended you take evasive action rather than trying to face the Mimic head on. Shooting it's weak points is by no means guaranteed to work and this tactic should only be deployed if it is your last possible option)


Mimic Documentary




  • As of late, there has been a rapid increase in Mimic populations, threatening human populations across the world.
  • Some have noted in the Facility-0 video some of the guards appeared to have rather elongated fingers. It is currently unknown if they were mimics or this was simply a result of poor quality from the camera.
  • In the late 1970s, Mimics were called Butchers, however the name was changed to Mimic to better match it's abilities. The name originates from a kid's board game, most likely Dungeons & Dragons.
  • The first on camera Elder Mimic appears in Season 2, Episode 2, entitled Terminal Rally.


  1. Vita Carnis - Living Meat Research Documentary - Full Footage 12:03-12:24 ”They greatly resemble humans without skin with exaggerated features. These features include extended finger length, longer limbs, bulging empty eyes and their most prominent feature: a wide, teeth-filled smile. Although it resembles a happy face, this is due to coincidence and is only how their facial structure is shaped.”
Vita Carnis
Crawl (Scandere Carnis) Trimming (Ignavus Carnis) Meat Snake (Mutuari Carnis) Mimic (Trucidatum Carnis) Harvester (Congregentur Carnis) Host of Influence (Imperium Carnis) Monolith (Coelum Carnis) Singularity (Verum Carnis)