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Mutuari Carnis (Latin: to borrow flesh), commonly referred to as the Meat Snake, is the 3rd member of the Carnis family, and the 2nd product of the Crawl. Meat snakes are found worldwide, however they are mostly clustered around regions with moderate temperatures.

Physical characteristics[]

The Meat Snake is not too dissimilar to an ordinary snake being a worm-like organism with a head and tail. All meat snakes share a meat-red colour like other members of the Carnis Family. It is also mostly made out of meat tissue and flesh. The Meat Snake however is much larger than an ordinary snake, averaging a size of 5 meters. Similar to the Trimming, each meat snake has unique traits that can differentiate them from each other. The main difference between meat snakes is the skull.

Over its lifespan, a meat snake will swap out its skull with those of its different meals. However, it only changes out the skull if the previous one is damaged, or it prefers the newer skull. Otherwise it will be excreted like other unwanted materials. If a Meat Snake has eaten a dead stag, it's face will resemble a stag. The Meat Snakes flesh turns a deeper shade of red the more it consumes.

However, this effect is very slow and requires the snake to consume thousands of meals. The Meat Snake has a fleshy membrane that is imperative in keeping it alive. If this membrane is broken, the snake will perish. The Meat Snake is said to have an unpleasant odor. In an interview, Darian Quilloy, the creator of Vita Carnis, said that the Meat Snake smells like if you put meat in a jar with apple cider vinegar, and left it in the sun for a week.

As seen in Revealed Progress, a regular meat snake's skin can withstand temperatures as low as -30°C.


The Great War[]

During World War II or "The Great War" as its called in Vita Carnis Meat Snakes were often used on battlefields, they were released into no man's land between the trenches to remove the rotting bodies after failed offensives.

The Specimen[]

The Meat Snake Specimen is something that was thought impossible, it was shown in the MeatSnakeSpecimen Video. The specimen was first discovered in abandoned subway tunnels in an unknown area of the world, the snake was so large that it filled the entire tunnels height and width and at first it was unknown how far it went back until later crews found the other end of the meat snake where they also found extremely large piles of human skeletons which had seemingly been forcefully consumed by the snake until it reached its current size. The specimen was determined to still be alive but too big to move in any way, the regular skull of a meat snake which is usually that of a recently consumed creature had been mutated into a structure of multiple skulls from its victims. It is thought by the researchers that the snake was forcefully fed casualties of World War 2 by cults, it is unknown if the activity was that of The Cult.


The Meat Snake's behaviors are similar to that of other snakes, however unlike other snakes it solely consumes dead organisms. The Meat Snake cannot and will not eat living organisms, making it easy to tame and detain. The Meat Snake will only act defensively if anything tries to attack it while consuming prey.

Eating habits[]

The Meat Snake has the ability to locate prey through a tongue like organ that can sense particles of rotting and decaying meat (similar to ordinary snakes). It consumes a corpse by opening its maw and completely swallowing the meal. The Meat Snake will release a variety of chemicals inside its body while digesting the meat. Some will break down soft tissues and joints for easier digestion through the tract, while others will help preserve the meal. After these processes, the Meat Snake adds the tissue to its own body, extending the snake. Unwanted bones, hairs and fingernails will be excreted.

Life cycle[]

The Meat Snake begins its life like many of the creatures in the Carnis family, as a node from the Crawl. Upon separating from the Crawl, the Meat Snake is only a few centimetres in length, from this point the Meat Snake will consume rotting meat products until averaging a length of 5 meters. The Meat Snake's only goal is to consume, and is entirely reliant on this factor to survive, the entire population of Meat Snakes is solely dependent on the number of corpses in the area. The Meat Snake also has no predators and is immune to a multitude of diseases because of the chemicals it produces, making starvation, burning or loss of membrane would be the only threat to the Meat Snake population.


The Meat Snake is the only member of the Carnis family to have reproductive abilities. When a Meat Snake reaches a substantial size, and finds itself in the correct conditions, it will commence mitosis. After completely cloning all genetics of its structure and creating a new Meat Snake, the 2 snakes will go their separate ways as 2 different organisms.

Benefits to humanity[]

The Meat Snake poses no threat at all to humanity, instead providing several benefits. The key advantage of the Meat Snake is its ability to disinfect and consume meat products, allowing for a safe method of disposal. Because of this, Meat Snakes are mainly used in butcher shops to rid of rotting and expired meat and scraps of meat, warzones with hundreds of festering bodies, zoos with dead/sick animals, and diseased roadkill.


  • In 1945, there was an anomalous case of a Meat Snake found in a tunnel that had reached the size of 30.433 metres. Besides its large size, it had many unique traits unseen in other meat snakes, such as very thick, dark red skin, and 7 skulls instead of one.
  • The Meat Snake is the second Vita Carnis creature to get an official plushie
  • The Meat Snake's skin has unique properties when subject to specific conditions, as seen in Revealed Progress




Vita Carnis - Living Meat Research Documentary 3 - Meatsnakes

Vita Carnis
Crawl (Scandere Carnis) Trimming (Ignavus Carnis) Meat Snake (Mutuari Carnis) Mimic (Trucidatum Carnis) Harvester (Congregentur Carnis) Host of Influence (Imperium Carnis) Monolith (Coelum Carnis) Singularity (Verum Carnis)