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Vita Carnis Wiki

The Living Meat Research Documentary is a multi-part series of videos documenting the behaviors, life cycles, and potential origins of the Carnis genus. The documentary is the biggest source of information out of the entire series. It was created by the organisation of the same name, National Living Meat Research in an attempt to educate the viewer of the Carnis family and their behavioural patterns.

While the documentary is mostly comprised of information about the Vita Carnis, there is also a story present between sections that tell the story of a young prince (that may or may not represent The Singularity) coming to save a tribe of small critters, which have been speculated to represent humanity.

Newspaper clippings[]

While many of the glitches in the documentary showed pages of the story about the prince, several other glitches showed newspaper clippings about anomalous cases involving certain creatures of the Carnis family. All species have either a newspaper article or specialised video that interrupts the documentary.

"Radio tower overgrown with Crawl"[]

This story informs us of a radio tower was engulfed in Crawl vines, supposedly causing the tower to malfunction or break down completely. Much of this article was blurred out or redacted.

"Mass trimming infestation"[]

This article focuses on an intense Trimming infestation involving 400+ trimmings found underneath an abandoned satellite dish. What happened to the trimmings and how they got there is unknown as much of the article was redacted.

"Largest Meat Snake ever discovered "[]

During a sweep of an underground settlement made during the war, an enormous Meat Snake was discovered, it was around 40m in length, 8x larger than the average meat snake. It is believed that hundreds of bodies may have been fed to it during and after the , and this may related to cult activity.

This article is referencing with the Meat Snake Specimen, another extremely engorged snake that reached 30.433 metres in length that was also found lodged in a train tunnel by a post war cleanup crew in Germany.

"Family attacked by Harvester while hiking"[]

Very little is known about this article because most of it was redacted or blurred, however the words visible outlined that the authorities refused to do anything about the Harvester attack.

This article is also identical to the "species anomaly report", a horrific video about a family getting caught in the vicinity of a Harvester and 2 of the family members perishing as a result being a mother and a son.


Once upon a time, the magical royal family of a distant kingdom wished to discover new lands. But as they were traveling by sea, their ship was struck by a giant storm. The prince fell overboard, eventually washing up injured on an island. He stumbles into a nearby cave using what magic he can to put himself into a healing sleep. He slumbered for a long time what seemed like forever, long enough for the land around him to change and evolve into something unrecognisable. Outside of the cave, a group of small critters began living on the island, struggling in times of hardship when there was too little food to go around.

Eventually, the critters found the sleeping prince awestruck by his magic. Some of them wondered if they'd be able to use the prince's magic to grow food and heal sickness. But the majority agreed that he was too dangerous and should be left alone. Despite this, some critters ignored the decision, sneaking what food they had to feed the prince, hastening his recovery. Thanks to them, the prince awoke and now fully recovered. The prince befriended the critters. They formed a bond with the critters leading the prince to their home inside the forest. They asked the prince if he would be able to help them, since the forest was unable to provide everything they needed to survive.

The prince agreed, using his magic to summon mystical lights, shapes, colors and figures. The critters were mesmerized by the prince's brilliance, and they built the Prince a raft so he could return to his home kingdom. As he left, the Prince vowed that with his power and the aid of the kingdom, he would someday return and heal the critters' home. The Prince then returns to the kingdom were he informs the king of the new land he had landed on. It is then implied that the king sends the Prince and possibly other citizens of the kingdom back to the new land, to fulfil the promise the prince had made.

Here is the theoretical analogy[]

Once upon a time there was a distant alien race that set out to find distant new lands, however as they were travelling through space, the ship was struck by a space anomaly. This caused one of the aliens on that mission known as "The Singularity" to be knocked out of course, eventually landing injured on earth (creating the island in Hudson Bay from the impact). Stumbling to a cave using the little power it has, the Singularity put itself into a healing sleep. It slumbered for eons, enough for the world around it to change drastically, it slumbered for so long that when it was discovered, people thought it had originated from Earth.

Outside the cave, a group of humans began to land and live on the island, however humans being humans eventually used up the island causing a food shortage, the humans at this point had done the same all across the world and where in dire need of aid. Some of the humans eventually discovered the singularity in the early 20th century sleeping in the cave, and were amazed by its uncanny abilities, and hoped that could cure ailments and grow food. However most of the Humans agreed not to disturb the creature, but some humans proceeded anyway feeding the singularity meat products, human meat products. This is when the cult is formed, a few individuals from various government agencies intent on using the creature to boost humanities progress. The Singularity now awakened in full health befriended the humans, the humans pleaded with the singularity to provide sustenance as the world could no longer provide.

The singularity agreed summoning the same forces it emits today (magnetic fields, energy fields, etc) to amaze the humans and summon the first few creatures of the Vita Carnis family (Crawl, Trimming, and Meat Snake). Overtime, The Singularity produced more dangerous creatures ( Mimic, Harvester, Hosts of Influence), the purpose being to extract more human meat from the population to feed and strengthen the Singularity. Eventually, The Singularity gained enough strength to travel to its home planet, and so it does, informing it's kind of the new land it had discovered. The Singularity then returns with 6 more of its kind, spreading across the world to understand more about Humanity, this is where the 7 singularities originate from. Eventually the Cult tracks down all 7 Singularities, and detains them on Facility- 0, intent on performing a ritual on them. However the ritual is interrupted by C.A.R.C.A.S, and the Singularities are currently in the possession of C.A.R.C.A.S.



  • The National Living Meat Research group is actually a group of students, they created the documentary spilling multiple secrets about the Vita Carnis species. Some of these students were arrested while the others are still at large, all copies of the documentary have been seized and tv programs cancelled. [1]. A disclaimer shown before the documentary begins, proving that the documentary was made against the law.[2]


  1. Quilloy, D. (n.d.). Vita Carnis - Message . [online] Available at:
  2. Disclaimer for documentary

    A disclaimer shown before the meat research documentary.

Season 1 Living Meat Research DocumentaryCook at Home KitchenGuide to owning a pet TrimmingMeatSnakeSpecimen - Archived FootageMimic defence instructional tapeSpecies Anomaly ReportFlavour Enhancer CommercialMessage Facility-0
Season 2 New BeginningsRevealed ProgressFirst ContactTerminal Rally