Ignavus Carnis (Latin for: Cowardly Flesh), commonly referred to as the Trimming, is the 2nd member of the Carnis family, and is one of the first products created by the Crawl. The Trimming is abundant wherever there is Crawl.
Physical Characteristics[]
The Trimming is a small, meaty, turtle-like creature that is said to resemble a skinned raccoon. Like all other members of the Carnis family, it is mostly made out of meat tissue. As a result of this, all trimmings share a blood red color. Trimmings have a slight resemblance to ticks with a plump abdomen, small head, miniature ears and eyes, and a wide gaping mouth. All Trimmings have unique modifications making it impossible to find two of the same. Such differences include leg count, spikes, and size. Most trimmings are around 20cm (7.8in) in length, comparable to a basketball. Trimmings are often confused with juvenile mimics, because of their similar body shape.
The Trimming is a very passive and docile creature, with its only defense being its uncanny appearance. If presented with a threat, the Trimming will either hide, flee, or let out a screech. Trimmings show intense emotions, with behaviors such as a chattering motion with their mouths when they are happy, and screaming when distressed.
Trimmings are nocturnal and typically make a lot of noise during the night time, which can cause them to be a less popular choice as pets.
Trimmings seem to have a hive mind. From "New Beginnings", a colony under the possession of C.A.R.C.A.S was being experimented on, where they took a Trimming, and did either of the following every few seconds: (a) a positive audio ding cue was played, and a small treat was provided or (b) a negative audio buzzer cue was played, and a small spray of cold water was given. When (a) was done on the Trimming, its head lifted up no matter what it was doing, and prepared to receive the treat; when (b) was done, it retracted its head in fear, and screeched when the cold water was sprayed. Once the experiment was done, the Trimming was returned to its colony. They repeated the experiment, but this time with the Trimming's colony, only this time without rewards and punishments. They behaved similarly as the Trimming during the experiment. As a wild colony had nested around the C.A.R.C.A.S colony, C.A.R.C.A.S decided to experiment with them. Even though the wild colony was not exposed to the experiment in any way, when the experiment was done on them, they seem to have learnt from the C.A.R.C.A.S colony, and behaved identically to them during the experiment.
Negative Buzzer
Positive Ding
Life Cycle[]
The Trimming begins its life as a small truffle-like meat node growing on the Crawl. Once it reaches adequate size, it will fall off the mother Crawl and wander around, looking for anything consumable. The Trimming is not a picky eater, and will consume anything edible in the vicinity. This includes fruits, vegetables, meats, seeds, roots, insects and dead animals.
Sounds of a Trimming screeching
It does not matter if the meal is rotten, the Trimming will eat it. Trimmings have a very small lifespan, reaching adulthood at 7 months and living for 4 years total. However, it is unlikely that a Trimming will die of old age. Due to their lack of defense and low place on the food chain, they are commonly picked off by predators. Despite this, the Crawl constantly produces Trimming nodes so the population remains steady.
Benefits for Humanity[]
The Trimming serves no purpose for humanity, nor does it pose any threat. Many consider it a nuisance because of its annoying screech and tendency to dig through trash in neighborhoods, similar to that of a raccoon. Some have taken advantage of their docile nature to domesticate them into household pets.
Domesticated Trimmings[]
Trimmings require minimal maintenance compared to other pets, but do have some specific requirements to fulfill.
- Trimmings prefer a slightly cooler room temperature (18°C-20°C), but also require a warm area when nesting.
- Trimmings also require dry cat/dog food twice a day, along with scraps of normal food.
- Trimmings also require an open space at home, along with access to the backyard and regular walks so they can socialize with other Trimmings, this is because they are generally social creatures in the wild
- Trimmings generally enjoy anything they can interact and tug with, and also like watching and listening to anything humans like as well.
- Trimmings require a thorough cleaning with warm water and soap. The main areas to clean are their neck, armpits, and stomach, ensuring that no soap ends up near the face
- Trimmings also enjoy company, generally staying near the owner for affection.
- Domesticated Trimmings often outlive feral ones by 4+ years. This is most likely due to the lack of predators and the newfound attention.
- Trimmings also appear to understand human language or at least some part of it due to their love of listening to radios.
- The Trimmings’ body shape is based on the Tardigrade.
- in the latest video we are shown an elder trimming. just like an elder mimic its body is black and face a lighter color however unlike regular trimmings on it's back are quill like spikes with webbing between them. This may prove that other species of the Vita Carnis genus can turn to a "elder form" such as the giant meat snake.
Vita Carnis |
Crawl (Scandere Carnis) • Trimming (Ignavus Carnis) • Meat Snake (Mutuari Carnis) • Mimic (Trucidatum Carnis) • Harvester (Congregentur Carnis) • Host of Influence (Imperium Carnis) • Monolith (Coelum Carnis) • Singularity (Verum Carnis) |